Author: admin

Retirement matters

Freedoms to gain accessing your pension pot

Changes to pension rules introduced in 2015 mean you’ve now greater access to your pension. It might seem like a far off prospect but knowing how you can access your pension pot can help you understand how best to build for the future you want.

Building a diverse portfolio

Time, patience and making informed decisions

Making sense of today’s market headwinds and building a diverse portfolio should be key priorities for all investors. Whether you have a lump sum to invest or want to invest regularly each month, it’s important to know your money is working hard for you.

Critical illness cover

Minimising the financial impact on you and your loved ones

What would life be like if you were diagnosed with a serious illness? Things could change very suddenly. You’d get your family together and tell them what was going on. Before long, you’d start spending time in hospital for treatment. You may also need to take some time off.

Protecting the value of your money

Don’t ignore the corrosive impact rising prices can have on your investments

Inflation is an economy-wide sustained trend of increasing prices from one year to the next. The rate of inflation is important as it represents the rate at which the real value of savings and an investment is eroded and the loss in spending power over time. Inflation also tells investors exactly how much of a return their investments need to make for them to maintain their standard of living.


Pension freedoms usher in a new generation

The introduction of pension freedoms has been a huge enabler for over 55s, allowing millions to draw income from their pensions flexibly. Pension freedoms offer the opportunity to transition into retirement by continuing to work with reduced hours beyond traditional retirement age.