Author: admin

Your ISA, your future

Time to reimagine how to invest more tax-efficiently?

Each tax year, from the age of 16 we are each given an annual Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance. The ISA limit for 2018/19 is £20,000, and anyone wishing to utilise their allowance should do so before the deadline at midnight on Friday 5 April 2019.

Retirement options

Greater responsibility on individuals to plan for financial security in old age

Deciding what to do with your pension pot is one of the most important decisions you will ever make for your future. The ‘pension freedom’ changes of April 2015 represented a complete shake-up of the UK’s pensions system, giving people much more control over their pension savings than before.

Brexit – what next?

Unintended consequences

At the time of writing this article, the UK Government is still in negotiations with the European Union over the terms of its planned withdrawal on 29 March 2019.

No pain, no gain

Planning to get where you want to be

Successful saving and investing is arguably a lot like exercise – no pain, no gain. As is the case when undertaking a new fitness regime, if you properly commit yourself and stick to it, the eventual outcomes can be very rewarding.

Wealth protection

Planning your legacy

Unforeseen life events and circumstances can potentially impact your finances in a number of ways. Believe it or not, you have an estate. In fact, nearly everyone does.